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Improving the Traffic Safety in the Western Balkan Countries through Curriculum Innovation and Development of Undergraduate and Master Studies

Naziv projekta / Title Improving the Traffic Safety in the Western Balkan Countries through Curriculum Innovation and Development of Undergraduate and Master Studies
Referentni broj / Reference number 598551-EPP-1-2018-1- XK-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
Godina projekta / Project year 2018
Trajanje u godinama / Duration in years 3
Područje / Scope Multi-country
Država koordinator / Coordinator Kosovo
Države partneri / Partner states Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Kosovo, Montenegro, Poland, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain
Tip projekta / Type Erasmus+ Joint Projects – Curriculum Development
Kratak pregled / Summary The wider objective of the project is to improve the quality of higher education in the transport and traffic engineering field, strengthen its relevance for the labour market and society, enhancing the level of competences and skills of experts in WB partner countries (Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina) by developing new competence-based and improvement of existing bachelor/master curricula in line with EU trends.

Specific objectives of the project are: 1) to identify key issues of traffic safety in WB partner countries, 2) to develop and implement the new and modern curricula for undergraduate and master studies in accordance with Bologna requirements and national accreditation standards and 3) to develop educational trainings and training material for traffic safety professionals.

What is common for all partner WB universities is that within their existing curricula, which are mostly obsolete, they do not include modern practices in accordance with the technology development, legal environment in the area of transport and traffic engineering as well as student-oriented teaching practices. The most crucial elements of the new curricula will be acquisition of competences in the above-mentioned field.

As a major result of the project, eight modernized and accredited undergraduate/master curricula will be developed, for each of WB partner institutions.

WB HEI’s will, in accordance with their needs, develop at least 5 courses on both levels (bachelor and/or master) with 30 ECTS each. Newly developed courses will cover area of Road safety management, Human factor and road safety, Road infrastructure, and safety tools, In-vehicle devices for traffic safety, inteligent traffic system, Traffic information system and Regulation of traffic flows. Also, eight new laboratories will be established with an adequate equipment and manuals.

Partneri / Partners University of Mitrovica (XK) – coordinator
Obudai Egyetem (HU)
Politechnika Lubelska (PL)
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (ES)
Univerza v Mariboru (SI)
Adriatik University Bar (ME)
Agencija za bezbednost saobraćaja (RS)
Alfa Centar (ME)
Centar za razvoj lokalnih sredina Kosovska Mitrovica (XK)
Univerzitet Crne Gore (ME)
Traffic Safety Agency of Republic of Srpska (BA)
Univerzitet Sinergija Bijeljina (BA)
Univerzitet u Novom Sadu (RS)
Univerzitet u Sarajevu (BA)
Visoka tehnička škola strukovnih studija iz Uroševca (XK)
Visoka tehnička škola strukovnih studija u Nišu (RS)
EU grant u eurima / EU grant in euros 863,038.00
Vrsta projekta
Organizacije učesnice
Nacionalne institucije visokog obrazovanja
Prioritetne oblasti
Status nacionalne organizacije učesnice
Preuzmite dokument / Download
Previous Reforming doctoral studies in Montenegro and Albania – good practice paradigm


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